CUCM 10.5(2) Install on VMware Workstation 11

CUCM 10.5(2) Install on VMware Workstation 11

I work with Cisco Voice applications all the time so I wanted a lab environment where I could play around with the configurations and recreate scenarios and such.  So below is how I installed CUCM version 10.5(2) onto VMware Workstation 11.

Here is a video of the process outlined below:

Here is the step by step process:
1.  Download the OVA template

The OVA template can be found by going to the download area on and going to the version of CUCM that you are working with.  From there click on Unified Communications Manager Virtual Machine Templates.

2. Deploy the OVA template
Click on File -> Open and choose the OVA template that you just downloaded.  Give your new virtual machine a name and click on Import.

3.  Set the DVD to the bootable CUCM install ISO and power on the machine
Click on the CD/DVD settings.  Choose Use ISO Image file and Browse to that file.  Make sure that Connect at power on is checked.  If you don't it won't mound the ISO file and won't boot it.

4.  Either OK or Skip the Media Check
I knew that the ISO was good so in the video you see that I skipped it.  I suggest that if you are unaware of this go ahead and do the media check to make sure that it is ok.

5.  Choose to install Cisco Unified Communications Manager
Based on the platform that was detected it will tell you what you can install.  Notice that this platform based on the OVA that was installed in not supported for Cisco Unity Connection.

6. Verify if there are any versions on the hard drive and click Yes.
Since this is a new virtual machine there is nothing on the hard drive.  So click Yes.

7. Choose to Proceed with the Wizard

8. Choose No when it asks if you want to install and upgrade patch with this install
Sometimes you will want to install an upgrade along with the base version that you are installing.  I am not doing that now.

9. Choose your timezone

10. NIC Speed and Duplex just click on Continue
As it explains the NIC speed and duplex setting are set by the host so no need for any configuration settings here

11. Click No for a change in the MTU settings
Default settings for MTU are fine.

12. Network Configuration Settings
Put in your Host Name, IP, Mask and default Gateway.  Since this is a personal / lab environment on VMware Workstation my gateway address is my home router.

13. Choose No for DNS
This is a lab environment so I am not using DNS

14. Choose a username and password for the platform administrator
This is the operating system username.  This is the user you will use to login to the OS Admin page, the CLI or the Disaster Recovery page.

15. Certificate information
Since this is a lab environment I'm not too worried about the certificates so I just put in some bogus information.

16. Choose Yes because this is the first Node in the cluster.

17. NTP Servers
I made my Windows 7 pc the NTP server.  You must put in an NTP server as the installation will not allow you to go forward with out.  Also, the installation will fail if you put in a NTP server that the guest cannot get to.

18.  Security password
This password is used for secure communication between nodes in the cluster.

19. Disable Smart Call Home
Again, lab environment.  No need for Call Home

20. Application Username
This is the username that you will use to login to the GUI application.  I chose to use the same username as the platform administrator.

21. Platform Configuration Complete
At this point the configuration is complete and it will go ahead with the install.  This will take about 2.5 hours.

22. Install Completed Successfully
Once the install is complete you will be able to login to the CLI with the OS administrator username and password that you set.

23. GUI Application
You will also be able to login to the GUI application and begin configuration on your new CUCM virtual machine.

That completes this tutorial.  If you like what you see please like my video on Youtube and subscribe to my channel.


  1. After step 21, I get error, after 'retrying download' pop-up, "unable to read package metadata". It's like VM doesn't have internet access, but I'm pretty sure network is configured well.(net adapter is in bridged mode and I entered correct ip/mask/gw). Any clues?

  2. Yes I have seen that before. If there is any problem with the network it could happen, but I also had this issue with a bad DVD. Something was corrupt. I would suggest you try again from scratch and see if it works. If it gives you the same error, download the ISO again.

  3. perfect steps along with snapshots worked well.

  4. Dear Von Clawson

    first i tank you very much for this helpful page.but i tried to download the "Unified Communications Manager Virtual Machine Templates",but i couldnt as cisco wants to have a " you must have a valid service contract associated to your profile",but i can't make this as i dont have sales please can you share with me me the file you downloaded?

    Thanks alot

    1. Sorry, I can't help you with that one. Per Cisco, you must have a valid smartnet contract.

  5. Hi, everything went find but at the end when I try to access it does not show the login page and also if I click on some links it shows 404 not found, what could be the issue?

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