Rebuilding a Cisco Unity Connection Publisher

Rebuilding a Unity Connection Publisher


So, your Cisco Unity Connection publisher has crapped out.  Now what do you do?  Maybe you had some data corruption or some other issue.  In my case the Cisco UCS had a bad drive causing data corruption.  So now the Unity Connection publisher has failed.  We are going to go through the process of rebuilding the publisher server and copy the data from the subscriber to the publisher to get it up and running again.


This rebuild will entail gathering all the data (such as hostname, ip, DNS, NTP), installing a new publisher with the same version ip, DNS, passwords, etc. Add the Unity Connection subscriber to the Publisher config. Finally copy the data from the subscriber to the publisher.

So let's get into it!


Gathering Cluster Data


First, we need to Gather the Cluster Data from the Subscriber here is the output that you will see from the commands "show network cluster" and "show version active"


admin:show network cluster UCPUB Publisher callmanager DBPub not authenticated - INITIATOR since Wed Dec 11 22:09:36 2019 UCSUB Subscriber connection DBSub authenticated


admin:show version active

Active Master Version:

Active Version Installed Software Options:


Stop Replication on Subscriber


Next, we need to stop replication on Subscriber.  This is so that the subscriber will not try to connect to the new publisher until the data is copied.


admin:utils dbreplication stop



This command will delete the marker file(s) so that automatic replication setup is stopped

It will also stop any replication setup currently executing



Deleted the marker file, auto replication setup is stopped


Service Manager is running

Commanded Out of Service

A Cisco DB Replicator[NOTRUNNING]

Service Manager is running

A Cisco DB Replicator[STARTING]

A Cisco DB Replicator[STARTING]

A Cisco DB Replicator[STARTING]

A Cisco DB Replicator[STARTING]

A Cisco DB Replicator[STARTING]

A Cisco DB Replicator[STARTING]

A Cisco DB Replicator[STARTED]

Killed dblrpc process - 8678


Completed replication process cleanup


Please run the command 'utils dbreplication runtimestate' and make sure all nodes are

RPC reachable before a replication reset is executed


Install the new Unity Connection Publisher


Now we need to install the new CUC Publisher I have not included any screenshots or output for this as it is a very straight forward install.  Just create a new VM from the OVA and use all of the same names, ip, DNS, passwords, etc.  You must install the same exact version as the subscriber.  You need the bootable ISO for that version.


Once the publisher is installed, we now need to login and Update the Processnode Value on Publisher.  Meaning we need to add the subscriber hostname or ip address as if we are installing a new subscriber.  In the Cisco Unity Connection Administration go to System Settings --> Cluster.  Click Add New and put in the hostname or ip address of the subscriber server.


You can run this command to verify that it is there. Run sql select name,description,nodeid from processnode <- on publisher


Now reboot the publisher. <-- This is very important.  If you do not reboot the data will not be correct and the copy cluster renegotiate will fail.


Verify Cluster Authentication


Next Verify the Cluster Authentication


admin:show network cluster UCPUB Publisher callmanager DBPub authenticated UCSUB Subscriber connection DBSub authenticated using TCP since Thu Dec 12 02:04:33 2019


Server Table (processnode) Entries







Run the CUC Cluster Renegotiate


Here is where the real magic happens! In previous version we would have to rely on backups and restoring backups.  No longer.  This is a much cleaner approach. We will connect the Subscriber to the New Connection Cluster and replicate the data.  Here are the commands and the output. This is run on the SUBSCRIBER server!


Utils cuc cluster renegotiate

admin:utils cuc cluster renegotiate

Publisher server: UCPUB

Subscriber server: UCPUB


Run this command only if you are replacing a

disabled publisher server.


WARNING: This operation will overwrite all data and messages on

the publisher server UCPUB with data from this subscriber server

and will establish clustering with the new publisher server.


This command may take require several hours to complete. The duration

depends on the network bandwidth between servers and on the

total size of the data on this subscriber server.


Are you sure you want to continue? (y/n) : y


19/12/12 02:11:44  Disabling data replication...

19/12/12 02:11:49  Renegotiating ssh trusts...

19/12/12 02:11:54  Synchronizing platform and LDAP database...

19/12/12 02:15:49  Creating any missing messaging databases on the publisher...

19/12/12 02:15:53  Adding subscriber node to publisher...

19/12/12 02:16:02  Synchronizing Unity Connection databases...

19/12/12 02:22:30  Resetting sequences on publisher...

19/12/12 02:22:31  Synchronizing file systems...

19/12/12 02:22:45  Synchronizing message files for mail store UnityMbxDb1...

19/12/12 02:23:50  Copying cluster DSCP configuration to publisher node...

19/12/12 02:23:53  Copying cluster CCMEncryption Keys to publisher node...

19/12/12 02:23:59  Rebooting publisher node UCPUB...

19/12/12 02:25:11  Cluster renegotiation completed.

If the product is Registered with Cisco Smart Software Manager then Reregister the product from Publisher node


Process completed.






Database Replication


As you can see from the output the publisher will automatically restart.  After the reboot you will want to do a "show cuc cluster status" on both servers to verify that all is looking good.  Then you will want to run "utils dbreplication runtimestate" on the publisher several times until the replication has completed.


admin:show cuc cluster status


Server Name    Member ID  Server State  Internal State  Reason

-------------  ---------  ------------  --------------  ------

UCPUB  0          Primary       Pri Active      Normal

UCSUB  1          Secondary     Sec Active      Normal




g_ciscounity_pub      100 Active   Local           0

g_ciscounity_sub1     101 Active   Connected       0 Dec 12 02:28:06



Server            Peer              ID   State    Status     Queue  Connection Changed


g_ciscounity_pub  g_ciscounity_pub  100  Active   Local      0

                  g_ciscounity_sub1 101  Active   Connected  0      Dec 12 02:28:06

g_ciscounity_sub1 g_ciscounity_pub  100  Active   Connected  0      Dec 12 02:28:06

                  g_ciscounity_sub1 101  Active   Local      0



Source            ER               Capture          Network          Apply

                  State            State            State            State


g_ciscounity_pub  Active           Running          Running          Running

g_ciscounity_sub1 Active           Running          Running          Running


admin:show cuc cluster status


Server Name    Member ID  Server State  Internal State  Reason

-------------  ---------  ------------  --------------  ------

UCPUB  0          Primary       Pri Active      Normal

UCSUB  1          Secondary     Sec Active      Normal




g_ciscounity_pub      100 Active   Connected       0 Dec 12 02:28:06

g_ciscounity_sub1     101 Active   Local           0



Server            Peer              ID   State    Status     Queue  Connection Changed


g_ciscounity_pub  g_ciscounity_pub  100  Active   Local      0

                  g_ciscounity_sub1 101  Active   Connected  428    Dec 12 02:28:06

g_ciscounity_sub1 g_ciscounity_pub  100  Active   Connected  0      Dec 12 02:28:06

                  g_ciscounity_sub1 101  Active   Local      0



Source            ER               Capture          Network          Apply

                  State            State            State            State


g_ciscounity_pub  Active           Running          Running          Running

g_ciscounity_sub1 Active           Running          Running          Running



admin:utils dbreplication runtimestate


Server Time: Thu Dec 12 02:52:52 PST 2019


Cluster Replication State: N/A



DB Version: ccm12_0_1_21900_10


Repltimeout set to: 300s

PROCESS option set to: 1



Cluster Detailed View from UCPUB (2 Servers):


                                      PING      DB/RPC/   REPL.    Replication    REPLICATION SETUP

SERVER-NAME         IP ADDRESS        (msec)    DbMon?    QUEUE    Group ID       (RTMT) & Details

-----------         ----------        ------    -------   -----    -----------    ------------------

UCPUB       0.019     Y/Y/Y     0        (g_2)          (2) Setup Completed

UCSUB       0.311     Y/Y/Y     0        (g_3)          (3) Out Of Sync


admin:utils dbreplication runtimestate


Server Time: Thu Dec 12 02:53:32 PST 2019


Cluster Replication State: Only available on the PUB



DB Version: ccm12_0_1_21900_10


Repltimeout: Only available on the PUB

PROCESS option: Only available on the PUB


Cluster Detailed View from UCSUB (2 Servers):


                                      PING      DB/RPC/   REPL.    Replication    REPLICATION SETUP

SERVER-NAME         IP ADDRESS        (msec)    DbMon?    QUEUE    Group ID       (RTMT) & DB Status

-----------         ----------        ------    -------   -----    -----------    ------------------

UCPUB       0.480     Y/Y/Y     0        (g_2)          (2) Setup Completed

UCSUB       0.022     Y/Y/Y     0        (g_3)          (3) Setup Completed


admin:utils dbreplication runtimestate


Server Time: Thu Dec 12 03:00:55 PST 2019


Cluster Replication State: Errors or data mismatches were found in utils dbreplication status at: 2019-12-12-03-00

     Use CLI to see detail: 'file view activelog cm/trace/dbl/sdi/ReplicationStatus.2019_12_12_02_59_19.out'


DB Version: ccm12_0_1_21900_10


Repltimeout set to: 300s

PROCESS option set to: 1



Cluster Detailed View from UCSUB (2 Servers):


                                      PING      DB/RPC/   REPL.    Replication    REPLICATION SETUP

SERVER-NAME         IP ADDRESS        (msec)    DbMon?    QUEUE    Group ID       (RTMT) & Details

-----------         ----------        ------    -------   -----    -----------    ------------------

UCPUB       0.021     Y/Y/Y     0        (g_2)          (2) Setup Completed

UCSUB       0.307     Y/Y/Y     0        (g_3)          (3) Out Of Sync


I ran into a little issue that the database didn't come back into sync.  So, I ran "utils dbreplication rebuild all" to fix it.


admin:utils dbreplication rebuild all






This command can only be run from the publisher.

This command will run a combination of the following CLI commands on specified nodes:

  utils dbreplication stop

  utils dbreplication dropadmindb or dropadmindbforce

  and utils dbreplication reset

This command may also affect other nodes including the publisher.

This command can take a considerable amount of time.




Do you want to continue? (y/n):y


Start rebuilding replication...

The process can be terminated by "delete process 15321" on a separate cli session

The detail status can be checked by "file view activelog cm/trace/dbl/sdi/rebuild_2019_12_12_03_02_11.out"


Starting rebuild command...

Number of nodes to be rebuilt: 1



Stopping replication setup...


Removing server(s) from replication network...


Signaling subscriber(s) for replication setup...


Rebuild command completed successfully...




Rebuild Completed: 1     Failed: 0

Duration: 2.00 minute


admin:utils dbreplication runtimestate


Server Time: Thu Dec 12 03:12:25 PST 2019


Cluster Replication State: BROADCAST SYNC ended at: 2019-12-12-03-09

     Sync Result: SYNC COMPLETED on 718 tables out of 718

     Sync Status: All Tables are in sync

     Use CLI to see detail: 'file view activelog cm/trace/dbl/20191212_030800_dbl_repl_output_Broadcast.log'


DB Version: ccm12_0_1_21900_10


Repltimeout set to: 300s

PROCESS option set to: 1



Cluster Detailed View from UCPUB (2 Servers):


                                      PING      DB/RPC/   REPL.    Replication    REPLICATION SETUP

SERVER-NAME         IP ADDRESS        (msec)    DbMon?    QUEUE    Group ID       (RTMT) & Details

-----------         ----------        ------    -------   -----    -----------    ------------------

UCPUB       0.020     Y/Y/Y     0        (g_2)          (2) Setup Completed

UCSUB       0.304     Y/Y/Y     0        (g_3)          (2) Setup Completed



After replication is complete it would be a great idea to reboot the cluster to make sure all is back in order. I hope this little guide is helpful.  Thanks for reading.

Check out my YouTube Channel


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